Summer 2024 Workshops
TRU’s Learning Technology & Innovation team doesn’t think of online media for teaching as a series of buttons to push, or tools to use. In addition to the tech, we are always pushing ourselves to learn new ways to use the tools creatively and in ways that align with our teaching and learning needs. We invite you to explore the offerings below and hope at least some of what we are doing aligns with your interests and your needs.
Upcoming Workshops
A calendar view of upcoming sessions and brief descriptions of what we offer are provided below. In addition to our hosted sessions, we are always happy to set-up targeted workshops and training for you and your colleagues wherever is best. And if you have a learning technology interest or need that is not addressed here, please drop us a line and let’s start a conversation.
Past Workshop Descriptions

Inclusive Digital Design Course
We know many faculty are looking for support to make their classrooms as inclusive as possible, and often want resources to better understand learner needs. In response to this, the Learning Technology & Innovation (LT&I) team is pleased to announce a new asynchronous Inclusive Digital Design Certificate. Developed with expertise from across TRU, this program…

WordPress Project Drop-In / Community of Practice Sign-Up
Did you begin a WordPress project and want to keep it going? Do you need to build a website for your research project but don’t know where to start? Are you eager to take your classes outside of Moodle but don’t want to go it alone? Our WordPress Team will meet monthly to check in,…

AI Crash Course: Artificial Intelligence 101
Are you feeling a bit panicked about ChatGPT? The AI Crash Course offers opportunities for faculty to learn about the emergent technologies that make up generative AI and work with colleagues to explore the impact of these technologies on their teaching. Artificial Intelligenece 101 is a chance to learn what you don’t already know about…

Let’s Play IV – Memes and GIFs
In this session we will focus on the practical elements of making memes and animated GIFs. We’ll walk through a few tools and techniques that will have you sharing your inspirations with your friends, your students and your social media networks. While we build, we will also talk a little bit about the social dimension…

AI Crash Course: What Do My Students Already Know About Artificial Intelligence?
Are you feeling a bit panicked about ChatGPT? The AI Crash Course offers opportunities for faculty to learn about the emergent technologies that make up generative AI and work with colleagues to explore the impact of these technologies on their teaching. In this session, we’ll review the landscape of generative AI tools across academic disciplines…

Let’s Play II – H5P
Have you been hearing the buzz about H5P? These lightweight, easy-to-build interactive tools are designed for formative learning, giving students a chance to practice critical skills before assessments — and the feedback is built right in! They’re fun, engaging, and they work in Moodle, WordPress, and Pressbooks. Join us for some straightforward instructions and then…

AI Crash Course: How Do I Talk to My Students About Artificial Intelligence?
Are you feeling a bit panicked about ChatGPT? The AI Crash Course offers opportunities for faculty to learn about the emergent technologies that make up generative AI and work with colleagues to explore the impact of these technologies on their teaching. How will you approach the conversation about AI with your students? In this session,…
Let’s Play III – Twine
What is Twine? Twine is an online tool that allows you to make text-based games, these games end up being a lot like the Choose your own adventure books of yore. Why would you be interested in Twine? Twine is free and extremely accessible. If you know a bit of html and/or css you can…

AI Crash Course: When Is Artificial Intelligence the Right Decision?
Are you feeling a bit panicked about ChatGPT? The AI Crash Course offers opportunities for faculty to learn about the emergent technologies that make up generative AI and work with colleagues to explore the impact of these technologies on their teaching. There are huge ethical ramifications — from labour rights to climate change — in…

Let’s Play IV – The Lightboard
In the Lightboard studio this week! The Lightboard is a unique service for recording lectures and presentations. Combining the benefits of a live lecture, with the annotations you may make on a whiteboard into a single media asset. Maintain student engagement in your videos by drawing, diagramming or doodling your lessons, while simultaneously maintaining eye contact, and speaking directly to your audience.

AI Crash Course: AIxAI: Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity
Are you feeling a bit panicked about ChatGPT? The AI Crash Course offers opportunities for faculty to learn about the emergent technologies that make up generative AI and work with colleagues to explore the impact of these technologies on their teaching. The academic integrity ramifications of artificial intelligence are hugely anxiety-producing for many of us….
Overview of Moodle Upgrade
Do you want a tour of Moodle 4.1’s refined user experience? Are you new to Moodle and want to speed up the learning curve? Do you want to explore practices that optimize the organization and navigation of a Moodle course? Join us in our Moodle 4.1 interactive sessions where we will support you in updating…